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  1. Average monthly income from emplyment (wage/salary) by Sex, Area, Time and Occupation

    Size: 1447 Modified: Updated: 23/10/2023

    1. Sex: Male, Female, Total, (3)
    2. Area: Rural, Urban, Bangladesh, (3)
    3. Time: 2016, (1)
    4. Occupation: Managers, Professionals, Technicians and Associate Professionals, Clerical Support Workers, ..., Total (11)

  2. Average monthly income from employment (wage/salary) by Sex, Area, Time and Industry

    Size: 2645 Modified: Updated: 23/10/2023

    1. Sex: Male, Female, Total, (3)
    2. Area: Rural, Urban, Bangladesh, (3)
    3. Time: 2016, (1)
    4. Industry: Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Mining and quarrying, Manufacturing, Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioner, ..., Total (22)