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  1. Percentage distribution of establishments by Ownership, Time and Size

    Size: 754 Modified: Updated: 10/19/2023

    1. Ownership: Government, Private, Government & Private jointly, Joint venture (local & Foreign), Foreign (5)
    2. Time: 2019, (1)
    3. Size: Micro, Small, Medium, Large, (4)

  2. Value of Fixed Assets by Category, Time and Size

    Size: 934 Modified: Updated: 10/23/2023

    1. Category: Total, Land, Land development, Building (residence & Factory), ..., Other fixed assets (8)
    2. Time: 2019, (1)
    3. Size: Total, Micro, Small, Medium, Large (5)

  3. Total value of output of manufacturing industries by Size, Time and Category

    Size: 763 Modified: Updated: 10/23/2023

    1. Size: Total, Micro, Small, Medium, Large (5)
    2. Time: 2019, (1)
    3. Category: Current year production price, Sales in local market, Sales in foreign market, (3)