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  1. Percentage Distribution of Consumption Expenditure on Food and Non-food Items by Time, Decile of household, Area and Type of expenditure

    Size: 1810 Modified: Updated: 10/23/2023

    1. Time: 2016, 2010, (2)
    2. Decile of household: Total, Bottom 5%, Decile 1, Decile 2, ..., Top5% (13)
    3. Area: National, Rural, Urban, (3)
    4. Type of expenditure: Food, Non-food, (2)

  2. Monthly Household Nominal Income and Consumption Expenditure by Division, Time and Measure

    Size: 920 Modified: Updated: 10/23/2023

    1. Division: Total (national), Barishal division, Chattogram division, Dhaka division, ..., Sylhet division (9)
    2. Time: 2016, (1)
    3. Measure: Income, Consumption expenditure, (2)