
Date of release: 2022-03-31 Crop
Survey documentation for Perennial Crop Statistics
The Agricultural Wing of the BBS is entrusted with the responsibilities of conducting ACP survey covering six major crops (aus - summer paddy), aman - rainy season paddy and boro – winter paddy, jute, wheat, and potato) and 118 minor crops in the crop groups of cereals, pulses, vegetables, fruits, plantations and fibers) for generation of crop area and yield statistics.
Date of release: 2022-03-31 Fisheries
Survey documentation for Fishery statistics
Fish catched by species (focus on Hilsa Tenualosa Ilisha) by landing site; inland and marine fisheries
Date of release: 2022-03-31 Land use
Survey documentation for Land Use Statistics
Land use statistics are information about the actual use of land in various ways. There are some major categories of land use in agricultural statistics, such as cultivable land, cultivated land, net crop land, cultivable non-cultivable land, current fallow land, permanent fallow land, temporary crop cultivable land, etc.
Date of release: 2022-03-31 Health
Survey documentation for Health and Morbidity Status Survey
The Health and Morbidity Status Survey (HMSS) 2014 of Bangladesh covers information on morbidity, treatment and treatment expenditures, health behavior, maternal and child health care, use of tobacco/intoxicating substance, impairment and accident/injury. It has also collected information about the conception on HIV/AIDS and TT.
Date of release: 2022-03-31 Prices
Survey documentation for Consumer Price Index
The consumer price index (CPI) reflects the average change over time in the retail prices of a specified set of final commodities and services representing the market basket of a given group of consumers. Retail prices are the prices that the customers buying goods at retail outlets pay.
Date of release: 2022-03-31 Economic accounts
Survey documentation for Quarterly National Accounts
The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) produces and disseminates on a quarterly basis the estimates of gross domestic product (GDP) at current market prices by industrial activity and expenditure categories and GDP at constant prices (base 2005/06) by industrial activity and expenditure categories.
Date of release: 2022-03-31 International Trade
Survey documentation for Foreign Trade Statistics
Exports and imports by 2-digit, 4-digit and 6-digit commodity chapter of the Harmonized System (HS)
Date of release: 2022-03-31 Manufacturing/industry
Survey documentation for Survey of Manufacturing Industries (SMI)
The Survey of Manufacturing Industries (SMI) is the principal source of industrial statistics in Bangladesh. It provides statistical information to assess and evaluate objectively and realistically the change in the growth,
Date of release: 2022-03-31 Income and consumption
Survey documentation for the Household Income and Expenditure Survey
Household income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) is one of the core activities of the BBS; it contains a wide range of socioeconomic information at the household level that has strong influence in the decision-making process for the government. It is used for assessing poverty level and the living standard of the people at large.
Date of release: 2022-03-31 Labor
Survey documentation for Labour Force Survey
The Labour Force Survey provides estimates of employment and unemployment.