
Date of release: 2022-03-31 Labor cost
Survey documentation for Wage Rate Index
Present WRI has base period 2010 based on Labor Force Survey (LFS) 2010. The existing WRI produced by the BBS is based on wage data for 44 occupational groups, comprising of 11 occupations from the agriculture sector, 22 occupations from industry sector and 11 occupations from service sector. The data with information by gender are gathered by 64 District Statistical Offices (DSO).
Date of release: 2022-03-31 Housing and construction
Survey documentation for Population and Housing Census
For 2021 Census the questionnaire for the 2011 census has been used. It includes a comprehensive list of socio-economic variables, including health and vital statistics alongside with housing characteristics. Like in the previous census, two versions of the questionnaire will be considered – a short and long one. The short questionnaire consisting of approx. 22 indicators will be considered for all households. In turn, the long questionnaire consisting of approx. 74 indicators will aim at collecting information on housing, population and its demographic and social characteristics through a sample survey of around 1% of all households.
Date of release: 2021-12-06 Health
Homestead food production in Bangladesh: Its determinants and effect on household food security and nutrition among adult women
Bangladesh is on track towards achieving nutritional status target of sustainable development goal (SDG) 2.2. While child nutritional advancement has been well-documented, women‟s nutritional advancement leave much more to be desired. Various studies indicate that nearly one-half of women either do not are either underweight or obese and do not consume adequately diversified diet. Thus, as yet there is more need to achieve in case of women, particularly adult women‟s nutrition. Homestead food production (HFP), based on prior evidence may play an important role on supplying foods rich in micronutrients which can contribute to improving household food security and nutrition of children, women and other individuals in the household. And indeed, HFP has been an important element in many of the relevant policies in Bangladesh and practices in Bangladesh. Particularly noteworthy is the HFP interventions through decades by Helen Keller International.
Date of release: 2021-06-14 International Trade
Bangladesh GIS Platform (BGISP) Guideline 2021
Geographic Information System (GIS) The development of the project will be carried out in a timely manner. Komkramv ujayach ron kaday aaudcha.
Date of release: 2021-06-01 International Trade Report
Distributive Trade Survey 2019
The Survey on Distributive Trade was conducted to provide a reliable database of leading economic indicators.
Date of release: 2021-06-01 Tourism
Tourism Satellite Account 2020
Two large-scale household based sample surveys namely (i) Survey on Domestic Tourism and (ii) Outbound Tourism were conducted during the month of March, 2020 with a structured questionnaire and face-to-face interview.
Date of release: 2021-06-01 Population and migration
Determination of Causes of Deaths by Verbal Autopsy (VA)
Bangladesh, a nation with a population of about 170 million people, is presently undergoing a fast epidemiological transformation. In the last two decades, under-five mortality has dropped substantially, from 97 per 1,000 live births in 1998 [1] to 28 in 2020 [2]. Furthermore, like in other South Asian nations, noncommunicable diseases (NCD) are becoming more important as a cause of death and poor health as a result of changing diets and other lifestyle variables connected to an aging population and urbanization [3]. These trends underscore the need for a consistent and timely source of cause of death (COD) data in Bangladesh to enable policymakers to spend resources more effectively and efficiently to enhance public health.
Date of release: 2021-01-01 SDGs
Action Plan and Methodological Guidelines towards Data Generation and Disaggregation for Monitoring and Evaluation of SDGs
This report provides the plan as well as the standard method of data generation for 247 global indicators of the ‘Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)’ in the context of Bangladesh.
Date of release: 2021-01-01 Health
Report on the Survey of Private Healthcare Inatitutions 2019
This survey, the third of its series, was conducted to provide a reliable database of leading economic indicators of private sector healthcare institutions. The survey produced a wide range of data and information which will, to a great extent, improve the knowledge and understanding of the present situation of the private healthcare Institutions related to its economic size and contribution to the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Date of release: 2020-12-30 Agriculture accounts and prices
Survey on Gross Marketed Surplus of Agricultural commodities 2019
Gross Marketed Surplus (GMS) of agricultural commodities plays an important role in the economic growth of a developing country like Bangladesh...