Welcome to Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) under the Ministry of Planning, Statistics and Informatics Division is the only national statistical office (NSO) in the country. Since its inception, this organization has been working relentlessly to collect, prepare statistics and publish data on the country's population, agriculture, industry, economy, demography and various socio-enomic issues by anticipating the user's demand and data needs. In keeping up with the modern era of information flow, the organization is also publishing electronic copies (soft copies) of all reports through the website in addition to the traditional method (publication of hard copy reports) of preparing and delivering up-to-date and timely statistics.
Government policymakers and private users, researchers, teachers, students, development partner’s staff and all users are welcome to the official website of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS).
About Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
Statistics shows the socio-economic status, development, progress and inequality of a country. As a result, in August 1974, merged 4 statistical offices under different ministries ('Statistics Bureau' under the Ministry of Planning, 'Agricultural Statistics Bureau' and 'Agricultural Commission' under the Ministry of Agriculture ' and 'Census Commission' under the Ministry of Home Affairs) to form the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS). In the absence of any unified law, rule or policy in the preparation and publication of statistics, the activities of BBS were previously managed through orders and circulars. With the passage of the 'Statistics Act' on 27th February 2013 by the great national parliament, the BBS got a real legal basis. According to section 6 of the Act, after the passage of the Act, a new chapter in the history of establishment of BBS was initiated by gazette notification on March 3 of the same year.
Vision of BBS
The vision of BBS is to become an established national statistical organization at the local and international level.
Mission of BBS
- Provide accurate, standardized and timely statistics;
- Provide data on demand of policy makers, planners, researchers and decision makers;
- Increase institutional efficiency;
- Establish professionalism
Functions of BBS
To fulfill the objectives of the Statistics Act, 2013, the functions of BBS are as follows:
- to produce and preserve correct, accurate and timely statistics;
- to conduct surveys on various socio-economic sectors for producing correct, accurate and timely statistics;
- to take all initiatives to conduct population census, agriculture census, fisheries and livestock census, economic census and other censuses and surveys.
- to provide reliable and user-friendly statistics promptly to the development planners at government level, policy makers, research and educational institutions, national and international organizations and other users as per their needs.
- to formulate statistical policies and procedures;
- to monitor the functions of the branch offices and, where applicable, take initiatives to review and publish its reports;
- to introduce the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics and periodically update the same;
- to undertake necessary training programmes to make human resources skilled in statistics;
- to build up public awareness about the roles and functions of statistics and its importance;
- to ensure the use of information technology in statistical operations;
- to coordinate and cooperate with any authority, advisory body, non-government organization and international organization regarding statistics;
- to compile various price indices including consumer price index, and national accounts;
- to compile and disseminate economic, environmental, social and demographic indicators;
- to estimate the production of different crops, cost of production, and the area of lands with standing crops including the use of land;
- to establish a Geo-code system, and update and preserve it, as the sole government Geo-code system, and to motivate all other government institutions or organizations to use it;
- to make National Population Register and periodically update the same;
- to develop Integrated Central Geographical Information System;
- to standardize the major statistical programmes to international level;
- to establish a National Data Bank with alternative storage system, and to preserve it in archives following modem approach;
- to make authentication of the standard of official statistics for national and international organizations Provision of statistical consultancy services;
- to provide advisory services regarding statistics;
- to discharge such other duties as the Government may direct; and
- to take necessary measures to discharge and perform the above-mentioned duties and functions.
Establishment of National Statistical Development Strategy Paper (NSDS)
The National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) is a global concept that originated in 2004 with the announcement of the Marrakech Action Plan for Statistics (MAPS) in the city of Marrakech, Morocco. This concept was originally created with the aim of assisting Least Developed Countries (LDCs) world countries in taking development plans, implementing development programs, monitoring and evaluation activities. In the context of Bangladesh, the NSDS is a detailed, realistic, participatory, dynamic and state-owned planning document for the holistic development of the country's statistical system. The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) under the overall supervision of the Statistics and Informatics Division formulated the NSDS for the overall improvement of the country's statistical system, which was approved by the Cabinet on 28 October 2013. In order to ensure the overall development of the country, qualitative data management and sustainable statistics are necessary in adopting evidence-based planning. In order to produce accurate, timely and reliable statistics with this goal in mind, action plans were adopted identifying detailed implementation activities under 61 strategic goals in NSDS. Through the formulation of this strategy paper, an up-to-date and solid foundation of the national statistical system of Bangladesh has been created on which data-based, accurate and effective national policies and plans are being adopted conveniently. Moreover, through the implementation of NSDS, overall development and standardization of statistical systems/methods, economic analysis, enhancing the quality and acceptability of statistics to support development policy and planning are in course; opportunities are emerging to modernize national income (GDP, per capita income, etc.) measurement systems and strengthen data storage and networking through NSDS.
Organizational Structure of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics is at the heart of the country's National Statistical System (NSS). In 2010, the Statistics Division was re-established and renamed the Department of Statistics and Informatics Division by increasing the size of the department in 2012 in order to supervise the overall activities and volume of works of this organization.
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics is headed by a Director General. The Director General is assisted by Deputy Director General, Director, Joint Director, Deputy Director and other officers and employees. According to the current organogram of BBS, the manpower is 4352 and its activities are mainly conducted through eight wings, out of which five are subject-matter and three are service-based. The subject-matter wings are: (1) Census Wing (2) Industry and Labor Wing (3) Agriculture Wing (4) National Accounting Wing (5) Demography and Health Wing and the service-oriented wings are: (1) Computer Wing (2) FA&MIS Wing and (3) Statistical Staff Training Institute (SSTI). Each wing is headed by a Director. Divisional Statistical Offices, District Statistical Offices and Upazila Statistical Offices are managed under the FA&MIS Wing. District and Upazila Statistical Offices collect data under the direction and supervision of Headquarters and Divisional Statistical Offices and forward the data to respective wings and related projects where applicable for processing.
Census Wing
The Census Wing is responsible for conducting three decennial censuses – Population and Housing Census, Agricultural Census and Economic Census. After independence, Bangladesh conducted first population and housing census in 1974, first agricultural census in 1977 and first economic census in 1986. Since independence, six population and housing censuses have been conducted, the last one in 2022, five agricultural censuses, the last one in 2019 and three economic censuses, the first one in 1986 and the second one in two phases - urban in 2001 and within the rural area in 2003. The third economic census was successfully conducted between 31 March and 30 May 2013. The Census Wing also conducts large-scale periodic surveys, notably the Literacy Attainment Survey (LAS), which collects empirical data on the population of Bangladesh through proficiency testing. Another initiative known as Slum Census and Floating Census has recently been taken up by the wing to meet the inadequacy of data related to slum dwellers and floating population.
Industry and Labor Wing
In the current world context, Bangladesh has become known as a fast-growing economy. The role of industry is very important in ensuring sustainable economic growth and robust development of the country. The Industry and Labor Wing of the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) regularly prepares and publishes accurate statistics related to the analysis of industry types and functions, productivity, technological progress, employment and other factors in the macro economy of the country. The activities of the Industry and Labor Wing can be broadly divided into two parts – Industrial Statistics and Labor Statistics. Among the industrial statistics are the Economic Census, preparation and updating of Business Register (BR), Survey of Manufacturing Industries (SMI), Wholesale and Retail Trade Survey, Hotel and Restaurant Survey, Cottage Industries Survey, Handicrafts and Crafts Survey etc. Apart from this, the important activities related to labor statistics are Labor Force Survey (LFS), National Child Labor Survey, Survey on the access and use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) at the individual and household level, Migration Expenditure Survey, Survey on Volunteerism in Bangladesh, Working Children in Dry Fish Industry Survey, etc. In addition, this Wing, in collaboration with the United Nations and other international organizations, maintains the industrial classification of all economic activities of the country, the classification of occupational activities, and the classification of goods and services.
Agriculture Wing
The main function of the Agriculture Wing is to generate and publish data related to the agriculture sector of Bangladesh. One of the most important functions of this wing is the annual estimation and publication of land area, production volume and production rates of six major crops - aush, aman, boro, wheat, jute and potato and 140 minor crops including vegetables, fruits, flowers. The wing also prepares seasonal forecasts regarding the amount of land under cultivation and production of major crops. Its other regular functions include estimation of crop losses due to natural calamities, estimation of wage rates of agricultural labor by gender, preparation of land use and irrigation statistics and publication of Yearbook of Agricultural Statistics. This wing also compiles forest and fisheries statistics from the records maintained by the Forest and Fisheries Departments. Agricultural statistics are prepared and published following the guidelines of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
National Accounting Wing
The National Accounting Wing is responsible for the collection, compilation and publication of national accounts statistics. This wing prepares and publishes macroeconomic indicators related to national income including gross domestic product (GDP), per capita income, consumption, and investment savings. Also, the National Accounting Wing regularly prepares and publishes price and wage statistics, industrial production and producer price statistics, foreign trade statistics publications (Annual Statistical Yearbook, Pocketbook, Monthly Statistical Bulletin). One of the main responsibilities of this Wing is to conduct revision and rebasing activities of various price indicators like Consumer Price Index, Wage Index, Construction Material Price Index, Rent Index, Producer Price Index and Industrial Production Index.
Demography and Health Wing
The Demography and Health Wing prepares statistics by collecting various data related to health care, demography, nutrition, socio-economic etc. of the country. It prepares and publishes population estimates, annual and quarterly statistics on demographic and demographic changes in the socio-economic context of the country between two periodic censuses. Also, this Wing is responsible for the production of gender statistics and average life expectancy; reports are collected and compiled on births, deaths, marriages, migration, birth control, disabilities, diseases, accidents, mother and child education, health, child marriage, child development and child discipline, sanitation, etc. Important activities carried out under this wing include: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), Health and Morbidity Status Survey (HMSS), Sample Vital Registration System (SVRS), Time Use Survey, Survey on Persons with Disabilities, Violence Against Women (VAW) Survey, National Hygiene Survey, Gender Statistics, Survey on Street Children, Survey on Children’s Education in Bangladesh, etc.
Computer Wing
The Computer Wing provides all kinds of IT support to the subject-matter wings of BBS. This Wing is responsible for data storage, processing and tabulation of various censuses and surveys. Other important functions of the wing are conferring ICT training to BBS officers and staff; planning, installing, operating server-based equipment and computer systems; controlling and maintaining all computer networks of BBS and adding software for all equipment of BBS. It also manages the BBS website and is also responsible for providing electronic data to the users. To conduct and manage various census and survey, this Wing controls and updates Geo-code as part of the Geographical Information System of BBS.
Financial Administration and Management of Information Systems (FA & MIS) Wing
After internal wing reorganization in July 1999 under BBS, the FA&MIS Wing was created. It is responsible for controlling all administrative and financial activities of BBS. Its functions include general administration, financial management, appointment, promotion, recruitment, Parishankhan building (Head office of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics), museum, vehicle, office equipment maintenance and management and control of field level departmental, district and upazila statistical offices. There is a self-sufficient Publication Wing under FA&MIS Wing. Through this, FA & MIS manages the printing of the reports of censuses and surveys conducted by BBS and related documents. Besides, two libraries and a central data archive operate under the supervision of this Wing, and a Child Day Care Center is managed and controlled by this Wing.
Statistical Staff Training Institute (SSTI)
SSTI was established in 1992 under a project to provide training to all levels of officers/employees of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) in the field and headquarters. A number of training programs are conducted under this Wing. Considering the importance of the project to institutionalize the training activities of BBS, the program of the project was transferred to the revenue budget of 2001. This Wing now imparts training to BBS head office officers/employees on statistics, administration, computer and IT matters, finance, budgeting, project planning and development, employment-related laws/regulations etc. in order to increase their professional skills. With the aim of developing the manpower involved in specialized sectors of BBS, from July of every financial year regular training programs are being conducted in order to create a skilled and competent work force. According to the annual performance agreement from SSTI, in order to implement the target of providing minimum 60 hours of training to all categories of officers/employees of BBS, training is organized on a regular basis for the newly appointed officers/employees of BBS along with conducting training programs throughout the year. Besides, there are plans to establish a full-fledged training academy by BBS.
Personal Information Management System (PMS)
PIMS - Personal Information Management SystemHonorable Adviser |
Dr. Wahiduddin Mahmud, Honorable Adviser, Ministry of Planning |
Secretary |
Aleya Akter Secretary, Statistics and Informatics Division |
Director General |
Mohammed Mizanur Rahman, Director General, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics |
Disclaimer bcd
Every effort has been made to ensure that the uploaded information is updated, correct and accurate. The errors, if any, whenever brought to the notice will be corrected. But the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics or the Government of Bangladesh will not be responsible or liable for any damages or losses to users that may result from any error in the information or data.