International Classification

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Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) Revision 4 ISIC is the international reference classification of productive activities. Its main purpose is to provide a set of activity categories that can be utilized for the collection and reporting of statistics according to such activities. Since the adoption of the original version of ISIC in 1948, ISIC has provided guidance to countries in developing national activity classifications and has become an important tool for comparing statistical data on economic activities at the international level. Wide use has been made of ISIC, both nationally and internationally, in classifying data according to kind of economic activity in the fields of economic and social statistics, such as for statistics on national accounts, demography of enterprises, employment and others.
Central Product Classification (CPC) Version 2.1 The Central Product Classification (CPC) constitutes a complete product classification covering goods and services. It serves as an international standard for assembling and tabulating all kinds of data requiring product detail, including industrial production, national accounts, service industries, domestic and foreign commodity trade, international trade in services, balance of payments, consumption and price statistics. Statistics based on CPC Version 2.1 are useful in studying transactions in goods and services in detail and as a basis for developing lists of goods and services for specific purposes, such as price statistics surveys. It has broad acceptance as an international standard and facilitates the maintenance of constant categories of products.
Classification by Broad Economic Categories (BEC) Revision 5 At its 13th session in 1965, the Statistical Commission recommended that data on broad economic categories of commodities be compiled to supplement summary data of imports and exports based the sections of the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC). Defined in terms of the basic headings of the SITC, the original BEC was issued in 1971. The current and 5th revision of BEC was carried out with the objective to better reflect current economic reality, to include services as well goods, and to introduce greater clarity and simplicity in the structure of the BEC, among others. Crucially, full separation was made between economic and end-use categories. The revision also takes the opportunity to introducing a new variable (specification dimension) to help in the analysis of global value chains.
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) The International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) has been designed as an instrument suitable for assembling, compiling, and presenting statistics of education both within countries and internationally. The system has recently been revised and updated, and the ‘new’ ISCED was introduced in 1997 (ISCED 97).